Labia reduction

Procedure times
The procedure takes approximately 1.5 hours. Post-operatively patients are asked to refrain from exercise for 4-6 weeks depending on the type of activity. Post-operatively there is swelling that lasts up to 6 weeks.
Labial reduction involves reducing one or both labia in patients that the labia is felt to be overly elongated and therefore distressing to the patient. This results in an overall more aesthetic appearance and can reduce the discomfort and irritation associated with activity. Most commonly labia reduction involves shortening the overall length of the labia minora. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthetic in Dr. Watts’ office.
After the procedure
The procedure takes approximately 1.5 hours. Post-operatively patients are asked to refrain from exercise for 4-6 weeks depending on the type of activity. Post-operatively there is swelling that lasts up to 6 weeks.
Possible complications
Possible complications include poor scarring, asymmetry, infection, hematoma, prolonged swelling and sensitivity.

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